Fundraising Performance - Canada, 2003 to 2007

The Cornerstone Group published 'Fundraising Trends & Challenges in the Canadian Direct Marketing Sector in January 2009 (see link below).  The data is based on a comprehensive five year udit of the cumulative direct marketing fundraising efforts of 32 Cornerstone clients. Highlights include (direct quotes):
  • on average, Not for Profits are raising much more each year than they were five years ago, up 20%, from 4% fewer donors
  • during the same time frame, calendar year revenue per donor increased substantially, outpacing inflation (9%) by 15% ($52 to $64)
  • the 24% increase in revenue per donor is attributed to larger one time gifts and an influx of monthly donors
  • there is also strong growth in monthly donor programs.  File sizes grew by 28% ($165million to $212 million) over the five year period and per donor revenue grew by 58% ($21 to $34)
  • there has been a slight decline in retention rates for all donor segments
  • new donors (those who made their first gift to an organization in the previous year) renewal rates dropped 5% (39% in 2003 to 34% in 2007)
  • in comparison with 2003, almost 20% fewer new donors were added in 2007 (536 milliion to 452 million) - however the average gift rose by 23% ($29 to $36) keeping the revenue from new donors fairly flat
  • there are now more than four times the number of new donors, per organization from online initiatives than five years ago (9 milion to 40 million.


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