Sports Industry Trends

Plunkett Research Limited scans a number of industries, including the Sports Industry (primarily from a US perspective). The major trends they are noting include:

  • the impact of celebrity athletes on the popularity of their sport (e.g. Lance Armstrong and his positive impact on cycling)
  • the resurgence of tennis (up 43% from 2000 to 2007) - likely the combined result of relatively lost cost and the high probability of local facilities that do not require 'gas guzzling' travel
  • anticipated plumeting of markets involving motorized recreational equipment
  • drop in the number of people playing golf in the US
  • continued long-term growth in fitness-related activities - fastest growing activities include spinning (advanced stationary bicycles, Pilates, use of treadmills and use of the elliptical motion trainer
  • the strategy of sporting goods manufacturers to constantly introduce new technologies to stimulate new sales and replacement of 'older' equipment.

Plunkett Research also notes the evolution in sport media:

  • continued importance of online viewing
  • growth in use of digital TV recording devices (DVRs such as TiVo) enabling fans to watch events according to their own schedules
  • rapid development of sport viewing through cell phone screens.

The current Sport Industry Analysis speaks to the impact of the current global recession in 2008 and 2009:

  • ticket sales and other revenues down for professional sports teams - combination of high prices and limited ability to pay
  • sport and recreation equipment sales down
  • sport gambling revenues plummeting
  • golf courses suffering revenue declines - a few closing, others delaying refurbishing projects
  • sports travel and tourism declining
  • significant declines in sales of the most expensive sport/recreation equipment items such as RVs and boats.

According to Plunkett Research, the biggest opportunities in the sports industry today include:

  • providing exciting, high-value opportunities for sport fans - such as high-tech gear at reasonable prices
  • spectator sports ticket packages that represent better value
  • high-value family recreational iatems that can be used at home or near the home
  • exercise/fitness services or programs designed to appeal to aging baby boomers
  • equipment and apparel that represents high value and exciting design.

Source: (03/09/2009)

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